Science Fact: Asteroids, or Asterix? If you’ve ever read the Asterix comics, you might say “By Toutatis!” at the latest news from the Asteroid Belt. This invented curse, invoking the name of a Celtic god, seems appropriate to invoke the … Continue reading
Category Archives: Speculation
Science Fact: Time travel is a popular theme in fiction and more recently, in physics. Time travel has provided variations and complicated plot resolution in many stories. Leaving aside hard-core science fiction and the Dr Who TV series, in which time … Continue reading
Science Fact: Popular culture surrounds us today and in many ways shapes who we are, including how we think. It admits various definitions, but generally popular culture includes mass media as well as personal and family habits and traditions. Popular … Continue reading
Science Fact: Applied Kinesiology is a chiropractic technique denounced by scientists but which helps many people. It uses “muscle testing” to help the D.C. or D.O. figure out what to do, to make your pain go away. And it’s an … Continue reading
Science Fact: Let’s talk about the origin of life. Not the Sunday School version. Nor the Archaeology version, which is being called Abiogenesis these days. Let’s try the Space Age version. Several recent technical studies posit that life on Earth may … Continue reading
Science Fact: CEO hubris may predict bumpy times ahead for your favorite company stock. Executive or CEO hubris — pride, conceit, egotism, self-importance, narcissism — is the subject of two new scientific studies, and the Financial Times has jumped on them. … Continue reading
Science Fact: Human Survival sounds like a pretty weighty topic, even for Scientific American, but there it is, all 1800 words of it Fending off asteroids and capping volcanoes is too difficult. Therefore the article focuses more on why we, … Continue reading
Science Fact: Internet of Things, Internet of Everything. It’s hard to miss those image ads from Cisco and the breathless hype from many sides: from technologists; from self-styled futurists; from investment advisors looking for the next big stock killing; from professional societies … Continue reading
Science Fact: Psi, the 23rd (penultimate) letter of the Greek alphabet, has many meanings. When you’re using math to describe research results or propose physical mechanisms, you use symbols as shorthand for things so that you can manipulate the equations. In … Continue reading
Science Fact: This post deals with physics and Psi — in this case, “Psi” is being used as an umbrella term covering ESP and PK, as explained below. ESP, extrasensory perception, is a term adopted by Duke University psychologist J. … Continue reading