Last Updated on August 14, 2018 by
I’ve been adding a post 2 or 3 times a week, and the title and a link are supposed to appear on my Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
Guess what? Those links periodically expire, so I have to (a) notice that they’re dead (which is the hard part) and (b) re-authorize them.
So for all you dear Friends and Connections, here’s the scoop:
– Now that I realize this is happening, I’ll try to catch it sooner
– You may have missed some great posts on — perhaps you should visit!
– If you think you already hear too much from me, well, OK…
– But if you don’t want to miss a single [fill in adjective here] post, please go to and enter your e-mail address in the Get My Updates box — that’s the best way to keep us 100% in touch!